Permanent Placement

From junior through middle management positions, we seek out the right individuals with the necessary qualifications, skills and experience that you require.

To determine if they meet your unique requirements, potential candidates are carefully sourced, interviewed and qualified. Most importantly, we also take care to ensure that candidates are able to fit in well with your organization’s structure and working environment. All our candidates are sourced using a variety of strategic methods including advertising, referrals, the internet, direct contact and other creative ways. All candidate information is stored in our proprietary applications database, which allows us to quickly and effectively retrieve the relevant data as soon as a staffing requisition is received.

Smooth-Operating Science Staffing Services

Benefit from a carefully-researched talent-delivery process that includes:

  1. Ensuring the best pros know we're their best career partner, because we work with companies like yours

  2. In-depth screening that allows us to get familiar with candidates' skills, personalities and goals

  3. Assuring job seekers are fully prepared to transition to your team at the drop of a hat

So no matter what your talent demands are, we can put together a plan that will deliver exactly what you need. Don’t put up with gaps in your workforce. Let’s get together and make things happen.

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