【恭喜 Jess Huang 成為台灣2023 CEO for One Month】


【恭喜 Jess Huang 成為台灣2023 CEO for One Month】


從4月開始的Video First Challenge、Bootcamp到最後的Top 5 Final Contest,一路以最優秀的表現脫穎而出,成為CEO for One Month的台灣代表。

接下來 Jess 將會在今年7月跟隨藝珂集團東亞區資深副總裁 SVP & Head of Adecco East Asia, Cindy Chen展開為期一個月的實習,這個月Jess將會每日與Cindy開會了解公司所有決策流程以外,也會與各部門主管深入了解所有部門的運作流程,盡全力成為一位可靠的領導者。同時Jess也會與全世界六十多的來自不同國家的小CEO同台競爭世界Top 10!

 我們相信Jess在加入藝珂後能持續展現自己的領袖魅力,藝珂也將會持續給予支持與協助,祝福Jess Huang未來實習一切順利。


We would like to congratulate Jess Huang on being selected as the 2023 CEO for One Month Adecco Taiwan.

 From the Video First Challenge, Bootcamp, to the Top 5 Final Contest, her outstanding performance led the way to becoming the 2023 Taiwan representative of CEO for One Month.

 Later on, Jess will start a one-month internship with SVP & Head of Adecco East Asia, Cindy Chen in July this year. This month, Jess will be daily meeting with Cindy to understand all of the company's decision-making processes. She will also have an in-depth understanding of the operation process with all department heads and try her best to become a reliable leader. At the same time, Jess will also compete with more than 60 CEOs for one month from different countries around the world for the top 10 in the world! 

 We believe that Jess can continue to show her charisma as a leader, and Adecco will continue to provide support and assistance. Wish Jess all the best for her future internship.